Rheem RTGH-SR11i IKONIC Super High-Efficiency Condensing Tankless Gas Water Heater with Recirculating Pump
Now, it’s easier than ever to give homeowners an advanced, continuous hot water solution with the Rheem IKONIC Super High-Efficiency Condensing Tankless Water Heaters. They’re intelligently designed for compatibility with many applications, offer uncomplicated installations and service, and are backed by unmatched support.
Stainless steel Primary and Secondary heat exchangers provide increased efficiency and durability
Hot-startprogramming ensures the unit is in a ready state between back-to-back usage, avoiding any cold water bursts
- Built-in Recirculation pump for no wait for continuous hot water at the tap (SR models)
Built-in EcoNet wifi capability for direct control from your device (optional for S models)
PVC Vent runs up to 70' (2"), 150' (3")
Easy set up with full-text digital display and no dip-switches
Field gas convertible from natural gas to LP- conversion kit included
Dimensions: 13.69" D X 28.56" H X 17.31" W
Gas Input BTU/H (min-max): 11,000-180,000
Fuel Type: Natural Gas (ships NG with LP conversion kit included)
UEF: 0.96
Max GPM: 11.2
- Installation Type: Indoor (Outdoor Conversion Kit sold separately: RTGH-SX)
Primary Warranty: 15 years
EcoNet Enabled: Yes
Sustainable: Yes
Low NOx: Yes
High Altitude Compliant: Yes
Tankless Type
Energy Source
Max Heating BTU
Max Flow Rate GPM
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