Masterless Cascading - Eliminate single-point failure with our patented Masterless Cascading technology.
Wi-Fi and 3G/4G Connectivity - Real-time monitoring of your Genn II unit is available through the unit’s 7” touch-screen - and accessible remotely via a mobile app. Each unit can be easily connected to your building’s Wi-Fi router or to Intellihot’s internet hub.
Eliminate Mixing Valves & Lower Legionella Risks - With no storage tanks, there’s a lower risk for Legionella growth. By eliminating the need for mixing valves, this feature also reduces their associated unreliability and costs.
Competitive Turndown Ratio - Unparalleled gas savings with an industry leading turndown ratio, 100:1 for iQ3001, 66:1 for iQ2001, 50:1 for iQ1501, 33:1 for iQ1001, and 25:1 for iQ751.
Common Venting Capabilities - The iQ floor units transform common venting into smart-common venting.
ASME-HLW Complaint - Suitable for applications managed by engineers, specifiers, and contractors.
Guaranteed - Backed by a 10-year non-prorated heat exchanger warranty.